Limited Editions


Art prints on Hahnemühle paper and on canvas!

With the purchase of a limited art print, you will receive a certificate of authenticity with an embossed stamp. Art prints are hand signed, numbered and titled by me.


Canvas Print:

The canvas is stretched and printed around the edge and is therefore ready to be hung. Qualitatively brilliant color reproduction!

Paper Printing:

The image is professionally printed on “Hanemühle German Etching Paper”. Qualitatively brilliant color reproduction (350 gsm, acid-free, 100% cotton, natural white paper with white border).


The signature and edition number verify the print as an authentic work of art. The total issue number is final, and once sold out, no more will be produced or sold.

The print runs and prices for the editions can be found with the pictures. There are also limited art prints on canvas for almost all pictures. Please contact me if you have any further questions.


My pictures are scanned with a Cruse High-Performance Scanner 1:1 for optimal art print. The original table with the image, moves under the light bar, which achieves a maximum sharpness and exact parallelism.
The surface textures and colors will be reproduced perfectly with maximum sharpness! Art prints can be printed up to 30% larger than the original even more precisely.